Me & My Money: ‘If I’ve got a bargain, I’ll tell the world and his wife’

Liam Guerin, head of concierge services for Lansdowne Place

Liam Guerin: “The nearest I’ve come to gambling is playing the Irish lotto, which I do every week.” Photograph: Kieran Harnett

Are you a saver or a spender? 
Generally, a spender. If I see it, like it and cannot live without it, then I'll buy it.

Do you shop around for better value? 
Always, I'll never pay over the top for anything. I've always loved a bargain. If I've made a purchase that is extravagant, I'll normally keep it to myself. If I've got a bargain, I'll tell the world and his wife.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost? 
Probably my sofa and two leather tub chairs in my apartment. They cost a fortune (I've blocked from my memory how much they actually cost!). They are the perfect example of money well spent, however, as they get better as they age, especially the tub chairs. I love them.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? 
Everything in my apartment. I love every single item. I've collected all my furniture and bits and pieces over the years and most of them have a story attached to them.


How do you prefer to shop – online or local? 
I am most definitely a local shopper. I'm all for supporting local businesses. I much prefer to see and feel what I'm buying, so absolutely not online.

Do you haggle over prices? 
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. It's always worth asking if that is the best price, especially if I'm buying a couple of items in the same shop.

Has the recession changed your spending habits? 
Yes, the recession has most definitely changed my spending. I'm now far more cautious and much more price conscious.

Do you invest in shares? 
No, I never invest in shares. Any extra income would go straight in to my pension fund.

Cash or card? 
Card all the way. I never carry cash with me except for a few coins. If I've got cash on me, I feel that it's just one more thing to lose.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? 
I can talk myself into anything I "need" as being good value. I recently went into a shop to buy a pair of trousers, saw the trousers I wanted and ended up buying a suit, leaving without the trousers I originally intended buying!

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? 
Normally if I decide to change my car, I will make a conscious effort to save as much as possible towards the cost of changing. This approach has worked for me to date.

Have you ever lost money? 
Absolutely, I have. I was forever misplacing cash, hence my no cash policy – for me it's credit card only.

Are you a gambler and if so have you ever had a big win? 
I never gamble. I've never been inside a bookies office or had an online betting account. The nearest I've come to gambling is playing the Irish lotto, which I do every week.

Is money important to you? 
Money doesn't tend to be very high up on my list of priorities. As long as I've enough to keep me living in the style that I have become accustomed to, I'll be happy with that. People and time are higher up on my list of priorities.

How much money do you have on you now? 
Probably about €5 but I've my Visa debit so I'm covered!