Prospectus staff offered 33% stake

Dublin consultancy group Prospectus is offering its 30 staff a 33 per cent stake in the company

Dublin consultancy group Prospectus is offering its 30 staff a 33 per cent stake in the company. The share ownership scheme will apply to all employees.

It has been developed with a specialist international remuneration consultancy firm and is structured differently from a share option scheme.

"Our employees will own shares and become part-owners of the company almost immediately. They will have equal voting rights and will receive dividends," according to managing director Mr David Duffy.

The scheme has been constructed in a tax efficient way to ensure that the bulk of any award will be taxed as a capital gain rather than at the higher income tax rate.


A 33 per cent stake is a large offering compared to most schemes and is being adopted to attract high calibre staff.

The firm expects to increase in size to around 90 people within the next three years.

Mr Duffy will be the majority shareholder in the firm. "The company has ambitious growth targets including plans to expand into Britain. The company has clients in the financial services, technology and public sectors," Mr Duffy said.

He said Prospectus was keen to implement a share ownership rather than share option scheme as it would allow all employees to think like owners and share in the value created in the company.

"The scheme is designed to attract and retain employees, promote a performance culture across the whole company and support the firm's growth."