Contract cleaners in line for pay rise next month

Employment regulation order means new minimum hourly rates will also be introduced in 2023 and 2024

Minister for Business, Employment and Retail Damien English. Photograph: Tom Honan

Workers in the contract cleaning industry are to receive a pay rise next month under a new law.

The new employment regulation order for the industry provides for a new minimum hourly rate of €11.55 for the sector from April 1st, 2022. The average wage in the sector is currently about €11 per hour.

The order also provides for further increases to €11.90 per hour from April 1st, 2023, and €12.30 per hour from April 1st, 2024.

Minister for Business, Employment and Retail Damien English said: "I am very pleased to approve this employment regulation order. I would like to thank the members of the joint labour committee, the Labour Court and those interested parties who submitted submissions as part of the public consultation for their contributions to this process.


“This process sits very much within the context of Ireland’s voluntarist system of industrial relations.”

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter