Single worker

Elaine is 30, single and lives in Dublin. She works in the public sector and earns an annual salary of €48,000.

Elaine is 30, single and lives in Dublin. She works in the public sector and earns an annual salary of €48,000.

Elaine owns a three-bedroomed house in Dublin. She lets two of the rooms in her home to friends for a total of €630 per month. She avails of the rent-a-room relief, and therefore does not have to pay income tax on the rental income. She has recently purchased a new apartment which qualifies for urban renewal relief. She hopes to rent this out shortly.

Elaine hopes that the favourable relief in respect of her new property remains in place.

She also wants to buy a new car and hopes that the Minister will reduce the Vehicle Registration Tax. She is a wine and cider drinker and hopes that the Minister will not increase the price of these in the Budget.


Monthly Summary

Gross Salary €4,000
Taxable income €4,000
Income Tax €904
PRSI/Levy €205
Net Cash €3,521
Deductions (as % of gross salary) 27.72
Child benefit €0