Survey contradicts State figures on housing land

A new survey claims that Government figures on the availability of housing land are wrong.

A new survey claims that Government figures on the availability of housing land are wrong.

A study carried out by DTZ Pieda Consulting on behalf of the Irish Home Builders' Association (IHBA) highlights a shortage of land available for development in the Greater Dublin Area. The results contradict Department of the Environment figures that there is adequate land available.

IHBA director Hubert Fitzpatrick said yesterday there were inconsistencies in the information supplied by local authorities to the department. "This is most evident in the Greater Dublin Area where this report looked at the reality of the situation on the ground, where delays with the delivery of services and the completion by councils of the necessary local area plans are ensuring that land that is zoned ready to go can, in fact, not be developed."

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O'Halloran

Barry O’Halloran covers energy, construction, insolvency, and gaming and betting, among other areas