Task force to help technology growth

The Government has set up a task force to examine how more technicians can be made available to high technology industries

The Government has set up a task force to examine how more technicians can be made available to high technology industries. The decision was announced yesterday by the Minister for Education, Mr Martin. The joint Education/Industry departments task force, which will be chaired by Dr Sean McDonagh, director of Dundalk RTC, will "develop the demand and enrolment process and throughput of successful students on relevant certification and diploma programmes of study. Targets and measures will be put in place for the academic sessions 1997/'98, 1998/'99 and 1999/ 2000," according to a Department of Education statement. The task force is expected to report to the minister in October. Its establishment follows an announcement last week that £5 million for capital developments in high technology courses would be allocated to third level institutions for the next academic year.