A 360 summit view

PR360 is offering free workspace at its Dublin offices to summit attendees

Web Summit: off to sunny Lisbon. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

Seeing as the Web Summit is rolling out of town after the 2015 event next month, businesses may as well jump aboard while they have the chance. PR360, the communications firm run by former Fianna Fáil government adviser Dan Pender, is offering free workspace at its Dublin offices to summit attendees, including media, businesses and start-up founders.

Its Mount Street offices are on the way, if heading from the city centre, to the RDS in Ballsbridge, where the summit will have its last hurrah before decamping to Lisbon for 2016. With a nod to the hipsterish crowd that frequents the Web Summit, PR360 says it’s a 10-minute bike ride away. I’d have said it was a lot less than that. It is 10 minutes on a penny farthing, perhaps, which is always a possibility with these damn hipsters.

Most amusingly, the shameless pitch also offers summit attendees “free wifi”. Is this a beautifully facetious nod towards the internet problems that have traditionally plagued the internet start-up conference?