Blockchain hackathon among multiple tech events going online

Irish technology forum organisers to go virtual as Covid-19 crisis curtails physical events

The hackathon will bring together teams from different disciplines to consider ways to build and maintain a reliable food supply chain. File photograph: Getty

A virtual hackathon to explore how blockchain technology could be used to address global food supply issues is to be held early next month.

Sponsored by Microsoft Ireland, it will bring together teams from different disciplines to consider ways to build and maintain a reliable food supply chain.

Among the speakers at the event will be Lory Kehoe, an adjunct assistant profession at Trinity College Dublin, who previously led blockchain software company ConsenSys. Other speakers include Cillian Lenowicz, who leads EY Ireland's technology division, SME chain founder Sorcha Mulligan, Paul Killeen of the National Standards Authority of Ireland and Julie Waite of the SproutX agtech accelerator.

The three-day event will be held between September 4th to the 6th with tickets available at event organiser, What The Hack.


"While we are still unable to physically meet with each other, What The Hack is taking advantage of being able to reach a global network of experts, participants, and volunteers create the innovative and applicable solutions that pressing problems need. Blockchain And The World Food Supply, like other What The Hack events, brings people together from all over the world to create a better future for everyone," said What the Hack managing director Sophie Benoit.

Multiple firms

Separately, the UXDX conference, which is held in Dublin annually, is the latest event to announce it is to go virtual this year due to the Covid-19 crisis.

UXDX stands for User Experience (UX), Experience Design (XD) and Developer Experience (DX).

The conference will be held between October 6th and 9th with speakers from companies that include Ebay, Buzzfeed, Verizon, GitHub, Conde Nast, Reddit, Deliveroo and HubSpot among those participating.

Dublin Tech Summit, which postponed its annual event in April, is also running online on October 14th. This year’s conference has new 3D features, allowing attendees to hear from speakers in virtual auditoriums, browse exhibition halls, drop by the information booth that contains virtual helpers and make new connections in the state of the art networking lounge.

SaaStock and Web Summit will also be running as online conferences this year although the organisers of the latter event have indicated they hope some in-person activities will take place.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist