Buddhify: Instant karma in a handy meditation app

Weblog: More than 80 custom guided meditations for peace of mind on the go

Buddhify is created by Glasgow-based Mindfulness Everywhere, and can integrate with iOS HealthKit

Our smartphones make for a constant stream of notifications, alerts and emails . . . modern technology can be stressful and intrusive but it doesn’t always have to be that way. Meditation and mindfulness apps can help us leave our worries behind and focus on the present moment.

One such app is Buddhify, created by the Glasgow-based Mindfulness Everywhere. Buddhify has over 80 custom guided audio meditations designed to help you pack in some peace on your lunch break, fall asleep quickly, or even one to pass the time while waiting in a queue. There is iOS HealthKit integration for those looking to log meditation alongside diet, exercise and sleep, but it also has its own built-in tracker that graphs your activity over time.

Sure, there are plenty of meditation apps out there but Buddhify is a once-off cost that doesn’t require in-app purchases to unlock functionality, and the user is spoiled for choice in terms of types of custom tracks.

http://buddhify.com/Opens in new window ]