Cork-based tech firm Over-C secures contracts worth €20m

Company confirms new deals with Dutch teleco KPN and Facilicom Group

Technology firm Over-C’s clients include Eli Lilly, Thomond Park, Grosvenor Services Ireland, GSK, and Savills UK.

Cork-based Over-C Technology has signed two deals with Dutch companies worth a combined €20 million over the next three years.

The company, which was founded by Michael Elliot and Greg Gleinig in 2011, on Friday confirmed new contracts with telco KPN and Facilicom Group, a facility management firm with contracts in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Over-C has created a management tool designed to improve mobile and field-based business processes and remote workforce operations.

The group’s clients include Eli Lilly, Thomond Park, Grosvenor Services Ireland, GSK, and Savills UK. According to the firm, its platform can be used to predict and optimise operational performance.


The company has just opened a new office in Cork. It also has operations in London and Amsterdam with plans to open in Germany shortly.

“We spent the last two years developing our platform to enterprise grade, as specified by our partners who are reselling our solution to global enterprises. We have seen significant growth in the past 12 months, with our team growing from a team of six to 27. Today’s announcement is testament to the strength of our solution, and an indicator of our projected growth in the next two years,” said Mr Elliot, the company’s chief executive.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist