Find your museum doppelgänger with Google Art & Culture app

Product compares your photograph to art across 70 countries to see who you look like

Actor Kristen Bell is a dead ringer for conductor August Manns. Image: Instragram

Last year, there was a spate of museum selfies when art fans happened upon portraits resembling themselves. The craze has reached new heights now that the Google Art & Culture app has incorporated this feature: snap a selfie inside the app and it will compare your face to thousands of others in Google's collection of artworks meaning you don't even have to leave the house to see what Renaissance or Expressionist-era individual you look like.

The database contains art from more than 1,500 museums in 70 countries around the world, although they are mostly European. The app is currently available in the US and Australia but not Ireland or the UK.

Celebrities have taken to Twitter to talk about their museum doppelgängers but mostly because of the hilarious and unflattering results. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? What about a hideous crone or sour-faced 10-year-old boy? I got a 62 per cent match for both of those. Thank you, machine vision. in new window ]