Have you Brexit-proofed your online purchases?

European Consumer Centre Ireland has advice for shoppers to protect their rights

Check the terms and conditions for information about return and cancellation policies, and use secure payment methods that provide for redress options

EU membership comes with online consumer protection rights including the 14-day cooling-off period that gives buyers a chance – with some exceptions – to cancel a contract or return items within 14 of purchase if they change their mind. Brexit may complicate things for the many Irish consumers buying online from the UK.

"With so much uncertainty at the moment about how exactly Brexit will affect consumers' rights when they purchase from a UK-based trader, the European Consumer Centre Ireland is urging consumers to take precautions just in case something does go wrong with their purchases by reading the terms and conditions and paying securely," says Martina Nee of ECC Ireland.

“For the time being, we believe that the best way [consumers] can protect themselves is by checking the terms and conditions for information about return and cancellation policies and using secure payment methods that provide for redress options, eg chargeback.”

While we wait until April 12th to see what happens, it is worth noting that should you buy something online from the UK before this date, your consumer rights in relation to this product or service still apply post-Brexit.

eccireland.ie/popular-consumer-topics/brexit-eu-consumer-rights/Opens in new window ]