Pre-tax profits up 79% at Irish eBay

Pre-tax profits at the main Irish unit of online giant eBay increased by 79 per cent last year to €4.8 million

Pre-tax profits at the main Irish unit of online giant eBay increased by 79 per cent last year to €4.8 million. Accounts just filed show revenues at eBay Europe Services Ltd jumped 6 per cent to €36.7 million in 2011.

According to the directors’ report, the business has performed broadly in line with expectations for the year. Staff numbers rose, as planned, from 502 to 562 as a result of a further expansion of European customer support activities.

The directors reveal that the company submitted feasibility and other applications to the IDA seeking grant aid towards the cost of developing a centre of excellence and innovation in Dublin. The directors state that “the centre of excellence and innovation will continue to deliver innovative projects and research initiatives associated with improving customer experience in our business”.

The figures show that the company recorded a 30 per cent increase in operating profits, from €2.7 million to €3.7 million. The firm’s revenues were boosted by €1.7 million in grants.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times