Tech Tools: Headphones that help you sleep

Kokoon Sleep Aid earphones cancel noise and help you drift off to the land of nod

Kokoon Sleep Aid earphones are wireless, so you won’t wake up with a cable tangled all around you.

Kokoon Sleep Aid earphones (€350)

Only a couple of years ago, the idea of wearing a specific set of headphones for sleeping seemed a little daft. After all, you could just put your regular headphones in if you wanted to listen to music while you drifted off, no extra expenditure required.

But now we are all moving to wireless ear buds and, even with the best fit possible, they won’t stay in your ears all night.

Stress and noise

At the same time, a combination of stress and neighbour noise is getting between us and our sleep. Kokoon ear phones are designed to help you block out all the background noise and also stay put on your head.


They are lower-profile than standard over-ear headphones, and they are wireless, so you won’t wake up with a cable tangled all around you. Noise-cancelling technology comes in handy for blocking out the neighbours, and the audio programmes included with the headphones will help you relax and sleep easier.