Tesla accused of failing to prove compliance with US pollutant rules

EPA rules aim to limit emissions from hazardous pollutant materials

Tesla said it refuted the EPA’s allegations. Photograph: AFP via Getty

The US Environmental Protection Agency accused Tesla this month of failing to prove it is complying with hazardous air-pollutant rules related to the surface coatings of its electric cars.

Tesla disclosed the allegations on Wednesday in a quarterly filing. The company said it refutes the allegations, is responding to the EPA’s information requests and doesn’t expect the matter to have a material adverse impact on its business.

The EPA’s rules aim to limit emissions from hazardous pollutant materials used in carmakers’ coating operations. The regulator also restricts emissions from volatile organic compounds used in coating activities.


Separately, Tesla said the fair market value of bitcoin the electric carmaker held as of March 31st was $2.48 billion (€2.05 billion), suggesting it could stand to make around $1 billion dollars out of the investment were it to cash in the digital currency.


The world’s most valuable carmaker, which said it had bought or received $1.5 billion in bitcoin by the end of the first quarter, reiterated in its regular report it had trimmed its position by 10 per cent during the quarter. – Bloomberg/Reuters