TikTok launches tools to help SMEs to reach customers

Businesses will learn how to use TikTok to broaden their reach

Photograph: iStock

TikTok has launched its small business hub and ad management tools in the Republic to help support small- and medium-sized enterprises using its platform to reach new audiences.

The hub contains a number of guides, products and tools aimed at small businesses, including TikTok’s small business guide and stories of how other businesses have been successful on TikTok. The guide includes strategies to support SMEs.

"We launched our business offering generally in Europe less than a year ago, we're not even a year old in this endeavour," said Lisa Friedrich, head of SME at TikTok Europe. "We started out in the UK, in France Spain and Italy and but our team is based in Dublin, so growing the team and being able to announce our support for small businesses in the Irish market is really exciting for us.

“We believe it’s our mission to offer resources and tools and guides to make your life as easy as possible.”


Ads Manager

Businesses will also get access to TikTok’s Ads Manager, and the partnership between TikTok and Shopify. The latter allows Shopify merchants to create and run effective ad campaigns aimed at the TikTok community, and create in-feed ‘shoppable’ video ads directly within Shopify before deploying them to TikTok.

“We feel like it’s a strong alignment of their mission and our mission, which is helping small businesses be successful, reach their customers, reach their audience and and give them tools that are easy to use,” said Ms Friedrich.

TikTok employs more than 1,100 in the Republic, including the SMB team led by Ms Friedrich. That team serves the wider European region.

The launch was welcomed by Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar. "Irish businesses have faced unprecedented challenges during the pandemic and anything that adds to the help that is available from Government is most welcome," he said. "New technology is transforming all of our lives and I hope SMEs find the information and advice on this hub useful as they respond to new ways of doing business and interacting with their customers."

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist