Unblock your toilet with Facebook’s new feature

Update to Marketplace allows US users to search for home service professionals

The update to Marketplace is only available to Facebook users in the US for now

Before you compose some witty comebacks involving the similarities between the contents of a blocked toilet and the average social media platform, this is all about Facebook’s foray into home improvement.

US-only for now, this is an update to Marketplace or Facebook’s version of Craigslist that will focus on offering approved professionals for home services.

Deb Liu, VP of Marketplace, explained the move due to plumbers, carpenters, electricians etc being the most asked for recommendations among users in the United States.


This will be more than a bunch of companies listed in one place: it will be possible to get a single quote for your home improvement project by creating a description and sending to multiple professionals at once while ironing out details via Messenger instead of playing email or phone tennis.


Here’s hoping this arrives in Ireland and Europe sometime soon. For now, Marketplace isn’t available to us and we have to make do with the fairly lacklustre Buy and Sell group functionality that requires joining a group to buy, sell or swap and is little more than an online car boot sale.

https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2018/05/marketplace-services/Opens in new window ]