Vodafone agrees to tackle music pirates with ‘cease and desist’ notices

Details of subscribers who illegally share material to be given to copyright owners

Vodafone joins three major service providers, Virgin, Eir and Sky, who have already put the cease-and-desist protocol in place.

Vodafone Ireland has become the latest internet service provider to agree a "cease and desist" protocol aimed at tackling music copyright piracy, the Commercial Court has heard.

The graduated response procedure involves cease-and-desist notices being sent to subscribers who illegally upload/download material before, on the third notice, the name and address of the alleged infringer is supplied by the service provider to the owners of the copyright.

Ultimately, this allows copyright owners to seek court orders terminating their internet service if they refuse to desist.

Three major providers, Virgin, Eir and Sky, have already put the cease and desist protocol in place.


This followed proceedings brought by the Irish arms of Sony, Universal and Warner music companies under copyright legislation and recent court decisions.

On Monday, Jonathan Newman, for the music companies, said that, since the application to have the case against Vodafone dealt with in the Commercial Court was made, Vodafone had consented to the protocol.

Mr Justice Robert Haughton said he would make similar orders as he had made in the most recent case, against Sky. He made no order as to the costs of bringing the case which means both sides pay their own costs.