Web Log: Close your eyes, breathe … and track

Hear and Now is a biofeedback app that monitors your pulse while providing guided breathing exercises

The results of pulse measurements – as taken via the iPhone’s camera and flash – are provided on a data dashboard along with self-reported ratings of how relaxed you feel after each session

Mindfulness is all around us – books, apps, television shows and weekend supplements tell us to breathe deeply and simply be in the moment. That’s all well and good but how do you know it is actually working? Is there an app that tells me when I’ve achieved nirvana?

Well, not exactly, but Hear and Now is a biofeedback app that monitors your pulse while providing guided breathing exercises. The app gives gentle nudges throughout the day, reminding you to check in and spend some time on your breathing. The results of pulse measurements – as taken via the iPhone’s camera and flash – are provided on a data dashboard along with self-reported ratings of how relaxed you feel after each session.

This is Quantified Self meets mindfulness. All very inner peace and calm with a touch of Silicon Valley.
