Web Log: Four years until self-destruct for Apple products?

Some iPads, MacBooks and iPhones soldier on beyond these expectations

Apple products: One user reported that their iPod, purchased 2004, has been running steadily for the past decade

After ploughing several thousand euro into a new MacBook Air or more than €18,000 into an 18-carat gold Apple Watch (you've only yourself to blame), how long would you expect it to last?

According to Apple itself: “Years of use, which are based on first owners, are assumed to be four years for MacOS and tvOS devices and three years for iOS and watchOS devices.”

Although this is coming from Apple, don’t take it as gospel from the book of Jobs. A quick search through Reddit reveals some heartening stories from current Apple users, suggesting that, like cats or goldfish, some iPads, MacBooks and iPhones soldier on beyond these expectations. One user reported that their iPod, purchased 2004, has been running steadily for the past decade. I have the same dinosaur and, when I powered it on recently, it sprang back to life with nary a complaint. My iMac is seven years old and is showing no signs of retirement.

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