Web Log: Green energy powers Posteo anonymous email

Ad-free German email provider ensures privacy by encryption and IP stripping

Posteo’s email service is powered by green energy from Greenpeace Energy.

For €1 a month, German email provider Posteo packs in quite a few unique features. Environmentally conscious individuals will be pleased it is sustainable due to being 100 per cent powered by green energy from Greenpeace Energy. Those who wish to open an entirely anonymous email account can do so knowing that the payment information isn't associated with the account and if this is still a concern there is an option to pay in cash.

Privacy is ensured by encryption and IP stripping, whereby Posteo’s server replaces your IP with theirs anytime you send an email, even when it’s from a third-party email application. Also, no ads are served nor is user data tracked.

Making the switch from Gmail, iCloud or other services is easy enough: contacts can be imported via vCard or CSV, as can calendars in ICS format from iCal or Outlook.
