Web Log: The List – a social app for list lovers

It’s a bit like Twitter but with lots of lists and a distinct lack of snark

The List experience does depend on who you follow but there’s big media presence

When complaining about the demise of modern journalism, the rise of the listicle is often cited as a prime example. In defence of the listicle, I would like to say: lists are short, snappy and often useful. BJ Novak, producer and actor in The Office (also an author and BFF to Mindy Kaling) seems to think so too. In the spirit of the mixtape, he created The List app – a place where people swap lists of everything from the genuinely informative to a lovingly crafted Ode to Hans Gruber ("He wasn't just some random psycho.")

The List experience does depend on who you follow but there's big media presence and plenty of input from Novak's celeb friends which include Lena Dunham and Jimmy Fallon. It's a bit like Twitter but with lots of lists and a distinct lack of snark. I think I'll be staying here for a while.
