Web Log: The secret inner life of the TED speaker

For anyone psyching themselves up to deliver a presentation, this is a must-read

Everyone on the web is loving and sharing this “warts and all” tale from former TED participant Tim Urban

TED speakers seem so slick, confident and well-rehearsed. They'd sicken you, wouldn't they? Which is why everyone on the web is loving and sharing this "warts and all" tale from former TED participant Tim Urban who goes deep into the process of picking a topic, writing a script and rehearsing ahead of the big moment.

Urban’s description is appealing because he is all of us. He procrastinates. Big time (No? Just me? Okay). And freaks out. Big time (Still no one? Sheesh). And pulls it all together at the last moment. It also helps that he decided to give his talk on the actual topic of procrastination.

For anyone psyching themselves up to deliver a big presentation, this is a must-read. It also has lots of stick figure images to illustrate, to comic effect, the growing panic of the die-hard procrastinator. It has inspired me to do something similar. Tomorrow. Or maybe next week.
