Weblog: iTranslate ensures you never become lost in translation

App has voice recognition technology and ability to translate 92 languages into English

iTranslate: the premium version costs €4.99 and is worth it for the voice recognition functionality but also ridding the app of slightly annoying ads that sit on the bottom of the screen

The most irritating ting about being away is having to speak foreign, no? I jest, but in reality, the Irish aren't the most multilingual of holiday-goers. The (free) iTranslate app works a treat for those finding their directions, restaurant orders and shopping experience lost in translation.

Simply pop the phrase into the app in English, choose from 92 languages, hit “translate” and your Spanish, French, etc. version appears.

If you’re not that keen on attempting to voice this translation you can have the nice lady in the app do it for you.

The premium version costs €4.99 and is worth it for the voice recognition functionality but also ridding the app of slightly annoying ads that sit on the bottom of the screen. As they say in Rome: straordinario!

