The Music Organ

For most of the week you have been looking forward to the Friday afternoon contest

For most of the week you have been looking forward to the Friday afternoon contest. No, not the sales figures or the market share stats - the Best Mobile Ringing Tone Award. Last week, that snivelling little wretch from the Internet division grabbed the prize because he somehow managed to programme his phone to bleat out the theme tune from Star Trek. This week you will scoop the lot, with the ringing-tone version of Mambo No 5 (A Little Bit Of. . .).

But what's this? It's four o'clock and all the phones across the city are down. The Eircell mobile system has crashed as well - there's no way to make the phone ring! But worse again, Snivelling Git has produced a tiny silver device that can play Hey Jude. It doesn't have a microchip, it's not even battery operated - it has an exquisite crank-handle at the side that even a child could operate. Oh no, the whole office is applauding!

If only you had thought of applying 200-year-old technology to the modern era! You could have bought one of these minute music organs, chosen any one of a dozen popular songs (including Happy Birthday for those happy office events), and had it at the ready for when the microchips were down.

The Music Organ, £8 (€10), is available from Foko on South Great George's St, Dublin, and other good gizmo outlets.


Gizmo suggestions welcome: