THE MAJOR news of the week on the financial scene is likely to emerge from the investment banks

THE MAJOR news of the week on the financial scene is likely to emerge from the investment banks. Lehmans, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley all report quarterly figures and the markets are expecting much good news.

Of as much concern to the Government at least will be the EU summit on Thursday and Friday when Taoiseach Brian Cowen will be expected to explain the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty to his European counterparts.


Results:Adobe Systems; Lehman Bros; Aeroports de Paris; JCambridge Mineral Resources.


Meetings:Payzone egm (Dublin); Finance Dublin conference (Dublin Castle - to Tuesday).

Indicators:Euro-zone consumer prices (May final); US National Association of Housebuilders housing survey (June).

Other:Bank of England publishes quarterly bulletin.


Results:Best Buy; Goldman Sachs; Microsystems; Domino Printing Sciences; Focus Solutions Group; Halma; Ten Alps; Whitbread.

Meetings:Finance Dublin conference; Meeting of Minds Convergent Technologies conference (Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dublin - to Wednesday).

Indicators:Euro-zone external trade (Apr); US industrial production (May), housing starts (May); producer prices (May) and current account (Q1); British consumer price (May); German ZEW survey (June).


Results:FedEx; Hennes Mauritz; Morgan Stanley; Celsis International; J Sainsbury; RPC Group; Victoria; Woolworths Group.

Meetings:Meeting of Minds Convergent Technologies conference (Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dublin)

Indicators:British CBI monthly industrial trends survey (May).

Others:Dublin Docklands Development Authority publishes annual report and accounts for 2007; Bank of England publishes minutes of latest monetary policy committee meeting; Annual Mansion House speech by UK chancellor Alistair Darling.


Results:Cadbury; Centrica; GW Pharmaceuticals, Irish Life Permanent.

Meetings:EU summit (Brussels - to Friday); European Central Bank governing council meets (Frankfurt).

Indicators:Irish wholesale prices (May); British retail sales (May), money supply figures (May) and public sector net cash requirement (May); US Philadelphia Fed survey (June), leading indicators (May), and weekly money supply data and jobless claims.

Others:Full hearing of application by Office of Director of Corporate Enforcement for appointment of High Court inspectors to DCC.



Meetings:UTV egm; ECB executive board member Jürgen Stark to speak at Bundesbank conference celebrating the 60th anniversary of the deutschmark.

Indicators:German producer prices (May).