This week

ALTHOUGH THE Lisbon Treaty debacle will no doubt continue to dominate headlines this week, ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet'…

ALTHOUGH THE Lisbon Treaty debacle will no doubt continue to dominate headlines this week, ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet's testimony to the European Parliament on Wednesday will also draw Europe's attention.

Mr Trichet is expected to get a chilly reception when he appears before the parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, following his shock announcement earlier this month that the ECB may raise interest rates in July to contain inflation.


Results: Danisco, Walgreen


Meetings: South-East Europe Banking Conference (Athens)

Indicators: EU flash manufacturing PMI (June); Irish Earnings and Hours Worked in Construction (Mar); British Rightmove House Prices (June); German Ifo index (June); Belgian business confidence (June).


Results: 3Com, Apogee

Indicators: Irish external trade balance (Mar) and Quarterly National Household Survey on work-related accidents and illnesses; US Case/Schiller house prices (Apr) and consumer confidence (June); German Gfk consumer confidence index (July); French business climate (June) and consumer spending (May); Italian consumer spending (June).

Other: Launch of Pensions Board annual report by Minister for Social and Family Affairs Mary Hanafin; Minister for Labour Affairs Billy Kelleher to launch Health and Safety Authority 2007 annual report and statistics report;Enterprise Ireland will publish its 2007 annual report.


Results: Bed Bath Beyond, Nike, Oracle.

Meetings: Federal Reserve's open markets committee meets on interest rates; ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet testifies before the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.

Indicators: EU industrial orders (Apr); Irish vehicle licensing (May); US GDP final (Q1), new home sales (May); British CBI distributive trades survey (Jun); Japanese trade balance (May).

Other: Ibec president's dinner addressed by Taoiseach Brian Cowen (Mansion House, Dublin); OECD releases its latest economic report on Portugal.


Results: Accenture; Escada; NTR.

Meetings: NTR (egm), Chambers Ireland hosts seminar on Doing Business in Japan (European Union House, Dawson Street, Dublin); National Centre for Partnership and Performance annual conference (Royal Hospital, Kilmainham); Silicon Ireland networking event for Irish tech start-ups; ESRI Policy Dialogue Meeting on Making the Best of Globalisation; ECB vice-president Lucas Papademos speaks at the International Research Forum on Monetary Policy Conference (Frankfurt).

Indicators: EU money supply (May); Irish overseas travel (April), trade statistics (Feb) and regional quality of life; US GDP (Q1) and existing home sales (May); French consumer confidence (June); Italian business confidence (June).


Indicators: EU current account (Apr); US personal income/consumption (May) and Michigan Sentiment (June); French PPI (May) and GDP (Q1); Japanese household spending (May), Core CPI, industrial production (May) and unemployment (May).