Compiled by JOHN COLLINS
How you spend your time
Fathm is an iPhone app that helps you answer that perennial question: where did the time go? Not only does the app let you quickly get a handle on how you are spending your time – from eating meals, to meeting friends, or working – but it also allows you to set goals for what you might want to be doing.
A “daily doughnut” shows how your day has been spent while a multicolumn summary lets you quickly compare days and weeks. The recently upgraded app is free to use for 30 days.
Google+ on your Nokia phone
Google+ has been signing up new users at a rapid pace – thanks largely to having the might of the search and advertising giant behind it – but unlike other social networks, it’s only been available on Android or iPhone.
Irish company Cibenix has stepped into the breach with Google+ clients for other platforms and now has a version for Nokia phones. With a five-star rating on the Ovi store, it seems to be fulfilling a pent-up demand.
Georgina Campbell's Ireland for Food Lovers
This app shows the potential of taking a book and, by adding location-based services, giving it a whole new lease of live for smartphones and tablets. Based on Georgina Campbell’s Ireland for Food Lovers book, this iPad and iPhone app will tell you what outlets nearby have been featured in the book as purveyors of fine Irish foods. It costs €2.99 but foodies who travel the country should find it value for money in a very short space of time.
If This Then That
Like to be able to have photos on Facebook that are tagged as you saved to your Dropbox account or have your Foursquare check-ins saved to your Google Calendar? With the tagline “puts the internet to work for you” ifttt (if this then that) allows the non-technical user to knit together more than 40 different web services and get them working together. Choose from “recipes” created by other users or simply jump in and create your own.
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