Wild Geese: An eye for fashion in a family of designers

Rae Feather’s eponymous clothing brand is based in the English countryside

Rae Feather of Rae Feather: “I go to London twice or three times a week – it’s only a short train ride away. From a creative perspective it allows me to absorb all the ideas from looking at people.”

Rae Feather came a roundabout way to the world of fashion and accessories. A native of Northern Ireland, she has been living in England for 31 years and has worked variously as a cook and hostess in Formula One, and in marketing. She now lives and works in the Northamptonshire countryside near Oxford.

Her eponymous Rae Feather brand was launched in late 2013. She also has another business, Love Molly, which supplies cashmere accessories to more than 200 boutiques in Ireland and Britain.

Growing up the daughter of entrepreneurs in the interiors business meant that, while by her own account, she “wasn’t academic”, Feather “developed a good eye” for design.

Her parents, Raymond and Hilary Turkington, established the well-known Cookstown business Raymond Turkington Decorations and her sister is the renowned interior designer Helen Turkington.


Speaking in the aftermath of the Brexit result, Feather is clearly astounded by the outcome.

“It was a very passionate vote – not like electing a prime minister or a political party. People had a real passion for it. Many of us sat in the hope that it wasn’t going to happen and, when it did, it was like someone had hit us over the head with a mallet.”

Serious impact

Coming from Co Tyrone, she believes the result of the UK’s referendum on EU membership has the potential to have a serious impact on Northern Ireland.

“You have Scotland and Northern Ireland who don’t want to separate. So much money in Northern Ireland comes from the EU”, she says.

“I grew up in the height of the Troubles and I think all borders will do is create more political unrest.”

From a sales perspective, Feather says the impact on her business was obvious in the first few days as consumers stopped shopping. But the following week buoyancy returned to her online business which concentrates on classic, quality clothing and accessories.

Feather’s business also specialises in monogramming products such as bags and baskets.

She believes it has been a great advantage to her over the years to be Irish and she maintains a close connection with Ireland, returning to see her parents and to visit her Dublin-based sister Helen on a regular basis.

Having started her career as a hostess cooking for the McLaren Formula One team, Feather left work to focus on family when her now grown-up son was born with health problems .

On returning to the workplace, she decided she no longer wanted to work in Formula One.

“It’s amazing how your priorities change when something like that happens. I came out of that period ever so grateful but also with the realisation that I didn’t want to go back to Formula One.”

She established International Event Management – a company her sister Lynn Turkington took over in 2003.

In late 2013, Feather established the Rae Feather brand driven by the desire to create a “sophisticated, considered” brand. Naming the business after herself was a big decision but she says she is now able to “separate the brand from the person”.

Feather now employs more than 20 people on a full- and part-time basis between the office, the warehouse and her shop in Quinta do Lago, Portugal.

Typical day

A typical day begins with checking Instagram – source of 50 per cent of Rae Feather customers – and replying to various client queries. Social media is a side of the business she is keen to keep a close hand in as she believes it to be more authentic.

The rest of the day is spent on product development, customer service and keeping a close eye on orders going out.

“Our offices are in the middle of the Northamptonshire countryside which is very unusual for a brand like this but it’s reduced my costs by 75 per cent versus what it would cost in the centre of London,” says Feather who had previously outsourced distribution but brought it back in-house for greater control.

Regular trips to London remain a necessity both for social engagements and to keep the business relevant.

“I go to London twice or three times a week – it’s only a short train ride away. From a creative perspective it allows me to absorb all the ideas from looking at people. It’s important that we get up to London to see what’s going on but the we also get so much more done in our present location, as well as having lower costs.”

With the Rae Feather brand launched with esteemed New York retailer Bergdorf Goodman recently and the growth of her retail distributors worldwide, Feather looks set to see her business continue to grow despite operating in a highly competitive market.

“The brand is in a really strong position right now,” says Feather. “ I think the key is to listen to your customer. It has grown so fast it’s quite overwhelming so I’ll be keeping my head down and working on building the business.”

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