Worries over Intel hit Dow

Stocks slid into the close yesterday, again failing to sustain an early advance after worries about earnings at software chip…

Stocks slid into the close yesterday, again failing to sustain an early advance after worries about earnings at software chip manufacturer, Intel, sent investors scrambling for the exits. The Dow Jones industrial average fell almost 1%, turning lower late in the session for the second straight day.

Broader stock indices also surrendered early gains and then fell sharply over the final 90 minutes.

Without any major developments to clarify the uncertain outlook on company profits, analysts say it is unlikely the market will break out of its two-month rut any time soon.

While demand for stocks has remained strong enough to interrupt any steep slide, the market has been unable to build much momentum amid mounting worries over how much the economic crisis in Asia is hurting US companies.


The Standard & Poor's 500 fell 10.29 to 1,082.74 and the technology-heavy Nasdaq composite index fell 19.69 to 1,742.10.