Gardaí investigating fire at Limerick city house where man died recently

Ger Curtin found with fatal injuries at property on Sarsfield Avenue in Garryowen on November 4th

A Garda spokeswoman said 'an incident of criminal damage by fire' at a house in Garryowen, Limerick was under investigation. Photograph: iStock

Gardaí in Limerick are investigating a suspected arson attack at a house where a convicted criminal was found dead earlier this month.

The house, on Sarsfield Avenue in Garryowen, was extensively damaged in fire which broke out at around 5pm on Sunday.

The house was unoccupied at the time and no injuries were reported. A neighbouring property is believed to have been damaged by smoke from the fire.

Ger Curtin (42), a father of two who had convictions for offences including burglary and theft, was found dead outside the house at around 5am on November 4th. A man is currently before the courts charged in connection with his death.


Three units of Limerick City and County Fire and Rescue Service were dispatched to the scene of Sunday’s fire, which was sealed off to allow a Garda technical examination to be carried out to determine the cause.

A Garda spokeswoman said “an incident of criminal damage by fire” at a house in Garryowen was under investigation. Sources said gardaí suspect the fire was likely started maliciously and that a petrol bomb may have been used.

Anyone with information about the fire is asked to contact Henry Street Garda station on (061) 212400, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666111 or any garda station.