1 Enjoy (LIKE) holiday (OUT) from the start? (= position indicator) Get off plane (‘alight’ = ‘a light’ = A LIGHT) or crash locally! (‘crash’ locally = fall asleep = OUT LIKE A LIGHT),
10 Is not prepared (UNREADY) for clip (l) of fictitious (unreal) (‘unreal’ without ‘l’ = UNREA -) documentary on all sides (‘DocumentarY’ on all sides = -DY) (UNREADY),
11 In the past, provided cover (MANTEAU) for most of (m) the players (team) (‘team’ without ‘m’ = -TEA-) in Man United? (Man U = MAN-U) (MANTEAU),
12 Escape clauses (OUTS) for 27 across (‘out’ = OUT-) going to school (-S) (OUTS),
13 Manuscript (Ms = M-S) about benefits (-AID-) (MAIDS) of workers in the hospitality sector (MAIDS),
15 Operated without rota (‘operated’ without ‘rota’ = peed = DEEP) – how profound is that? (DEEP),
17 Type of evidence (DNA) concealed by United Nations (concealed by ‘uniteD NAtions’ = DNA),
19 Aquatic invertebrates (HYDRAS) found in shady (shady) ground (= anagram indicator) (shady = HYD-AS) around river (-R-) (HYDRAS),
21 Motion detector (SENSOR) used up (= reverse indicator) by climbers (roses = SE-SOR) taking in summit of Nuptse (summit of ‘Nuptse’ = -N-) (SENSOR),
22 Sing-along in bar (KARAOKE) in Alaska (AK) sending up (= reverse indicator) (AK = KA-) Korea? (Korea = -RAOKE) Outrageous! (= anagram indicator) (KARAOKE),
23 Criticism (REVIEW) of Republican (R-) and Oriental (East = -E-) philosophy (-VIEW) (REVIEW),
25 All together (IN TOTO) it’s hot (IN) at ‘22 (“two” + “two”) hearing (= homophone indicator) (“two” + “two” = “to + to” = TOTO) (IN TOTO),
27 Injured, in the playing sense (OUT), on all sides today (OUT on all sides of today’s grid),
29 Ocean liner (SAND) bearing (South = S-) those in 17 across (‘DNA’) returning (= reverse indicator) (‘DNA’ = -AND) (SAND),
30 Concealed by Munro carrying (concealed by ‘muNRO CArrying’ = nroca) back (= reversal indicator) (nroca = ACORN) fruit from the forest (ACORN)
31 Group (TEAM) setting up (= reverse indicator) in Adama, Ethiopia (in ‘adaMA EThiopia’ = maet = TEAM),
34 Old bean (ARABICA coffee bean) – this is a person from Middle East (ARAB-) women’s organisation (Irish Countrywomen’s Association = -ICA) (ARABICA),
35 Don’t stop (PRESS ON) The Media (PRESS) broadcasting (ON) (PRESS ON),
36 Ready to drop (OUT ON ONE’S FEET) local beat (local ‘beat’ = OUT ON ONE’S FEET).
2 Didn’t get any stars (UNRATED) producing exotic (= anagram indicator) nude art (nude art = UNRATED),
3 Generates a lot of interest potentially (LOAN) by taking dog out of gondola (taking ‘dog’ out of ‘gondola’ = onla = LOAN),
4 Important (KEY-) tablet (-PAD) (KEYPAD) for writer’s block? (KEYPAD),
5 Upsets (= reversal indicator) the eldest (Adam = -MADA) artist (RA = AR-) (ARMADA) in The Fleet (ARMADA warship),
6 Banks increasing returns (banks ‘INcreasing returNS’ = INNS) for the locals (locals/bars = INNS),
7 Vietnam city (Hué = HUE-) takeaway (-LESS) (HUELESS) is lacking in shade? (HUELESS),
8 Safe (OUT OF HARM’S WAY) is not at risk (OUT OF HARM’S WAY),
9 Doing better than others (OUTPERFORMING) in Utah (-UT) after (= position indicator) order to start (‘Order’ to start = O-) executing (-PERFORMING) (OUTPERFORMING),
14 One (I-) from Nevada (NV = -N V-) contacts a (-A-) copper (-CU-) from Oxford (-O) (IN VACUO) – a Latin type out of normal environment (Latin for ‘out of normal environment’ / ‘in a vacuum’ = IN VACUO),
16 Producer (MAKER) of trees ignored by marketeers (‘trees’ ignored by ‘marketeers’ = marke = MAKER),
18 Rye from Pyrenees (‘rye’ from ‘Pyrenees’ = pnees = PEENS) – some get hammered on those (PEENS part of hammer heads),
20 Recognised (SAW) some upset (= reverse indicator) characters threw a sickie (some characters ‘threW A Sickie’ = was = SAW),
21 Go downhill rapidly (SKI) in spring (skip), for the most part (p) (‘skip’ without ‘p’ = SKI),
24 New Irish (Irish ‘new’ = -NUA-) in vessel (vat = VA-T-) heading for uninhabited for ‘Uninhabited’ = -U) (VANUATU) islands in the Pacific (VANUATU),
26 Ever so (ever so) wrong (= anagram indicator) (ever so = OVERSE-) going to Spain (-E) (OVERSEE) to manage (OVERSEE),
27 Raising (= reversal indicator) zero (-O) tax (VAT = -TAV-) from firm (Co = OC-) (OCTAVO) is one for the books (OCTAVO),
28 List price drops (sic) (‘list price’ drops ‘sic’ = litpre = TRIPLE) threefold (TRIPLE),
32 Pen name (BIRO) of liberator dismissing alert (‘liberator’ dismissing ‘alert’ = ibor = BIRO),
33 What the agriculture business can produce (BEEF) is world away from flower bed (‘world’ away from ‘flower bed’ = febe = BEEF).