‘Do not mention leprechauns, don’t call Irish people English’: An embassy’s advice for visitors to Ireland

Pakistani embassy’s list of 24 dos and 24 don’ts also recommends not taking offence at banter or swearing

The list of 24 dos and 24 don’ts was highlighted by Dr Sahar Ahmed, a barrister researching a PhD at Trinity College Dublin. Photograph: Aidan Crawley

It’s the kind of advice we’d all welcome when we arrived in another country, a list of dos and don’ts to help us navigate everyday life there. In the case of Pakistan’s embassy in Dublin, its candid tips to help visitors fit in with the Irish include not mentioning leprechauns, not calling Irish people English, not minding the banter and swearing, and not calling Dublin small in front of locals.

The list of 24 dos and 24 don’ts was highlighted by Dr Sahar Ahmed, a barrister researching a PhD at Trinity College Dublin. “I’ve never been prouder of my government! Solid advice! 10/10,” she says.

The dos

  • Consider Ireland as your second home and treat its nationals/citizens as your family.
  • Demonstrate full compliance with Irish law and rules.
  • Always respect local culture and traditions and be mindful of cultural sensitivities.
  • Make efforts to interact with local communities for better integration-assimilation in local community.
  • Do purchase health insurance.
  • Always get your Irish driving licence issued as soon as possible.
  • Keep visiting the Citizens Information portal, as it contains all requisite information, free of cost.
  • For entrepreneurial ventures, do join your local enterprise office, as it offers guidance, grants and support for initiating businesses.
  • Do participate in business-networking group meet-ups to get local knowledge.
  • Do undertake personal-development courses.
  • Join free courses to improve your job-interview techniques.
  • Start working on your pension on a priority basis.
  • Seek membership of prominent local sports groups/clubs.
  • Get involved in local committees/college committee as much as possible.
  • Do participate in local politics and encourage the young ones for maximum participation in local politics.
  • Do engage with school committees for better education of your children instead of insisting with individual teachers about certain courses/topics being taught.
  • Actively participate in philanthropic/charity activities
  • Do participate in local festivals, national-day activities.
  • In case of visa, get your visa issued well in time before travel.
  • Always maintain good manners and behave politely with local communities.
  • Use social-media platforms sensibly and responsibly.
  • Do undertake activities helping in promotion of Pak-Ireland cultural relations.
  • Remain in close contact with the embassy.
  • Keep visiting the embassy’s website, social accounts like Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram.

The don’ts

  • Do not say Ireland is the part of British Isles.
  • Do not take offence to the banter or swearing.
  • Do not call Dublin small in front of locals.
  • Do not mention leprechauns.
  • Don’t call Irish people English.
  • Do not miss Gaelic sports.
  • Do not worry about safety in Ireland.
  • Do not indulge in politically and culturally sensitive activities.
  • Do not indulge in hate speech.
  • Never indulge in illegal activities and be extra careful while interacting with minors in the streets.
  • Never drive without insurance.
  • Do not drive on the wrong side of the road.
  • Never reside in a house without insurance.
  • Never lodge cash payments to your bank account/s with no backups.
  • Never buy stuff from anyone selling on the street, mobile phones, laptops etc.
  • Never start a business without a business course and without consultation with a business consultant.
  • Never enter a partnership without a proper partnership agreement drafted by a solicitor.
  • Never join any unauthorised organisation or groups.
  • Never sell alcohol or any tobacco products or related items to anybody under 18-years-old.
  • Do not start a business without proper business registration, insurance and tax registration.
  • Do not use any service provider who has no practice certificate in Ireland and no professional indemnity.
  • When filing any documents related to visas or business, do not lie or hide any information, as they will find out.
  • Do not smoke indoors.
  • Make sure to stay away from sham immigration agents.