‘Orgy at my place’: The world’s best Covid cartoons from the past year
Newspapers around the globe share their pandemic-themed cartoons and illustrations
Covid cartoons: 2020s’ Sisyphus, from Vecer, in Slovenia. Cartoonist: Ciril Horjak
Sat Mar 13 2021 - 05:00
On March 11th, 2020, the World Health Organisation declared coronavirus a global pandemic. In the year since then news cartoonists the world over have covered the crisis, its devastating consequences and its ever-present absurdities with wit and artistry.
The Society for News Design and the Danish newspaper Politiken invited cartoonists who work for their members – including Martyn Turner of The Irish Times – to share their work.
These are some of the 400-plus works they submitted.
IRELAND, The Irish Times. Cartoonist: Martyn Turner
Martyn Turner writes about the cartoon above: “What inspired me was to warn people that having ‘fun’ at Christmas would only lead to disaster later on. Given what happened, hopefully people looking at it will pay more attention next time.”
IRELAND, The Irish Times. Cartoonist: Martyn Turner
MEXICO El Universal Cartoonist: Ángel Boligán
Vecer, Slovenia. Cartoonist: Ciril Horjak
The Guardian
Cartoonist: Nicola Jennings
EL SALVADOR, El Diario de Hoy. Cartoonist: Carlos Ruiz