A pop quiz for lovers of literature

From A Clockwork Orange to La Chute, books have rocked the world of pop music

This is an extract from The Rock & Roll A Level, a Very Hard Pop Quiz designed to rescue the genre from the grip of bores who know the chart position of everything and the value of nothing.

In an ideal world the answer to a question in a trivia quiz should be slightly more interesting than the question. That rather depends on the reader being the kind of person who is always keen to know more rather than the kind of person who feesl that they know quite enough already.

There’s a small test here you can try on yourself. If you don’t know the answer, you should, on being apprised of it, make a noise indicative of interest piqued. Something like “ah”. If your natural inclination is to say “So?”, then I’m afraid there is very little I can do for you.

In most bands there will be one member with a reputation for being something of a bookworm. This member will declare themselves as such by turning up at rehearsal with some dog-eared and soulful-looking paperback protruding from their back pocket. They will not always have read it. Listed below are 10 bands who owe their names to the fact that one member occasionally went to the library. Can you identify them?