Lenny’s Adventure

Fighting Words: An extract from a story by CBS, Brunswick Street, D07

Photograph: iStock

Lenny is an average typical worker who works in a big technology company. He has a best friend who is in the same department called Ash and they are both in the human resources team.

The daily routine of Lenny’s life looks like this: he wakes up in the morning, gets dressed, brushes his teeth, eats his breakfast and then he leaves to go to work. He would work from 8am to 5pm. During work he would have to hire people that the other departments need, and he is the person who selects people that could be valid for the interview by looking at the CVs. He gets a one-hour break in between his working hours where he can chat to Ash about their day and how they want to move to a different department. Both became good friends after Lenny first came to the company. They enjoy playing video games together every now and then in Lenny’s house.

Lenny has never been to Ash’s house, so he assumes that Ash might not like other people coming over. One typical day when Lenny and Ash were preparing to go to Lenny’s house Lenny asked once again if they could go to Ash’s house. Ash still said no. They proceeded to go to Lenny’s house. On the way, Lenny became more curious about why Ash would never let him come over to his house, and he started thinking maybe Ash had something or someone he was housing that could not be revealed to the outside world. During their video gaming session later that day Lenny couldn’t concentrate on the game but kept thinking about what the reason was for Ash not letting him come to his house.

That night when Lenny was seeing Ash off, he decided that he would try to sneak into Ash’s house the next morning, during working hours, after giving the excuse he was sick that day. What he would find out was nothing that he expected, but something even more terrifying than his worst nightmares…


The Story Seeds project supports young people to write with the aim of enabling them to understand their own life story – their personal, circumstantial and emotional story and their place – be it geographical, social or imaginative.

The pieces included here are a small sample of the creative work from the Story Seeds project.