Electric Picnic 2016 in numbers: How many portaloos?

700 acts, 5000 employees and not one dose encountered on site at Stradbally, Co Laois

92.5km in electronic cabling

19km in festoon lighting using 3,800 light bulbs

1,116 light fittings installed 11.7MW

Power Generation: Here’s the science bit. 1MW = 1,000 homes, so 11,700 homes, with an average of three people per house, means 35,100 people. Or a town similar in size to Longford For setting up power alone, it takes 450 wo/man days on site


Seven hundred acts play over the weekend

The total number of performers over the weekend: 2,000

1,315: number of portaloos on site for the weekend 54 extra toilets in trailer units

Four: the number of “revellers” found in Ticket copy, despite the ban put in place ineffectively by the Ticket Editor

40km of fencing around the festival site I

t takes 9,600 man hours of crew work to get the site ready for Picnickers

All in all, about 5,000 people will have being employed to make the festival happen

55,000: the amount of people trying to squeeze into the Newstalk tent to watch the hurling

The number of your friends at LCD Soundsystem: all of them

Packets of crisps consumed in the Ticket tent: 372

One: number of stage invaders we saw over the weekend (he was wearing a Repeal jumper)

90 seconds: the length of time said stage invader had to stand there awkwardly, before being gently ushered off by very nice security

Zero: number of doses we encountered on site. Maybe it was just us, but staff and Picnicers all seemed to be delightfully sound all weekend