Miley Cyrus: I was sacked from Hotel Transylvania for penis cake photos

Singer-actor claims she was fired from Sony film after photos surfaced of her licking a penis-shaped cake

Divorcing: Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus. Photograph: Reuters/Danny Moloshok

Miley Cyrus has taken to Twitter to claim that she lost her role in Hotel Transylvania, a children’s animation, because photos appeared online of her posing with a penis-shaped cake.

Tweeting in a thread addressing her recent divorce from actor Liam Hemsworth, the former Disney star said she was "kicked off hotel Transylvania for buying Liam a penis cake for his birthday and licking it."

A source from Sony has apparently confirmed the story to the Hollywood Reporter, saying executives were worried about Cyrus moving away from the wholesome image she presented on long-running show Hannah Montana and other family friendly films.

Cyrus, 26, announced earlier this month that she was separating from Hemsworth, her co-star in the 2010 film The Last Song. Last week she released her latest single, Slide Away.


Hotel Transylvania has gone on to be a lucrative family-film franchise for Sony, earning over €1 billion at the global box office over the course of three films. A fourth Hotel Transylvania film is due for release in 2021.