'This is everything we love about Dublin in one short film'

Al Kennington and Albert Hooi’s slick short is a series of portraits of people who live and work in the city

David Kitt of New Jackson, who has soundtracked Wednesday, a short film about Dublin

This short film, Wednesday, about Dublin in a day is the work of Al Kennington and Albert Hooi.

The film was shot and screened at a St Patrick’s Day festival event in 2015, and is now making its way out into the wider world.

The series of video portraits was shot on the streets of Dublin in March 2015 and the full montage of images and moments is soundtracked by David Kitt's New Jackson. The song, Having a Coke With You, was performed live with the film in Dublin's O'Reilly Theatre in 2015, as part of Cities Breathing, in the I Love My City programme in the St Patrick's Festival.

The filmmakers say: “We set out to make a film about what we loved about Dublin. ‘Wednesday’ describes a day in the life of the city from morning to night told simply, through its finest resource, the Dublin people.”

'Wednesday' is a short film by Al Kennington & Al Hooi. It describes a day in the life of the city from morning to night told simply, through its finest resource, the Dublin people.