Weekly Movie Quiz

Have a go at our weekly film quiz

Have a go at our weekly film quiz

1 Which of this week's releases should really have been called Rapunzel?

2 What links Ambersons, Sevenand Obssession?

3 Whose last outing was in Goldmember?


4 What are we up to in The Cincinnati Kid, Roundersand Lucky You?

5 Which slinky creature is Anne Hathaway about to become?

6 “We are not alone.” The tagline to which classic?

7 Which Oscar was, at different times, won by Walter Murch, Thelma Schoonmaker and Hal Ashby?

8 Who named a high- fidelity audiovisual system after his first feature?

9 The completion of whose first film caused Werner Herzog to eat his shoe?

10 Why might Kerwin Mathews, Richard Harris, Ted Danson and Jack Black make you think of Malcolm McDowell’s head?



1 Tangled

2. Magnificent

3. Austin Powers

4. Playing poker

5. Catwoman

6. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

7. Best editing

8. George Lucas (THX named for THX 1138)

9. Errol Morris ( Gates of Heaven)

10. They both played Gulliver. In A Clockwork Orange, "gulliver" is Nadsat for head