Lessons in humility, a pianist in military hands and a bus tour goes beyond barricades

1916/2016: A miscellany

Irish Volunteers drilling. Photograph: Defence Forces Military Archives/Cathal Brugha Barracks/militaryarchives.ie

February 24th, 1916

Dublin Metropolitan Police notes on surveillance of subversives: “Alderman Thomas Kelly, T S Cuffe, Gerald Crofts and Henry Dixon, were observed at the Sinn Féin Rooms, 6 Harcourt Street at 8

pm where a Lecture on ‘Ancient Irish Music’ was delivered by P Ffrench Mullen . . .

“75 members of the Irish Volunteers, 50 carrying rifles, in charge of E Daly and FJ McCabe, went route marching towards Fairview. They returned at 10.15pm and dismissed without further parade.”


Editorial, The Irish Times: "The proceedings before the local tribunals charged with granting exemption or postponement of military service ought to be recorded and analysed by some competent authority. They will provide

invaluable material for social historians. If any of our readers feel that they require a lesson in humility, we recommend them to study a report of some of these proceedings, and then to ask themselves, in the light of their experience, whether they are entitled to consider themselves ‘indispensable’.

“We are referring, of course, to the inquiries which have taken place since the tribunals were reminded that their function is to get men into the Army, not to let them out of it. Those rollicking days when a tribunal granted total exemption to a couple of single men who described themselves as ‘peach tree primers’ are quickly gone . . .

“A curious case was that of a well-known pianist who declared that his living was wholly derived from the executive ability of his hands, which would be quite irrecoverable if daily practice were stopped for any length of time. His claim was disallowed. The disappointed claimant, we have no doubt, will find some opportunity for the practice of his art at the back of the front, and for the rest he must condescend to the mouth-organ, which can be warranted to keep his fingers supple.”

Ballina Board of Guardians adopts resolution asking the Nationalist Party to save Ireland from further taxation. 2016 The 1916 Tour – Beyond Barricades is the latest addition to Dublin Bus Tours. It is described as a specially designed bus that transports you back to 1916.

Setting off from Dublin Bus headquarters at 59 Upper O’Connell Street, it stops at major sites connected to the the 1916 Rising.

Tours take place from Monday to Sunday at 10.30am, 1pm and 3pm; and Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7pm and 9pm.

For information and tickets, see www.dublinsightseeing.ie .
