In a Word... Normal

The new normal seems much the same as the old one. And I am glad

Was this unexpected reserve my new, post-pandemic normal?

In a Dublin coffee shop the southern European woman was tired and emotional. I ordered a coffee, then asked whether I could use the bathroom. “No!” She was unequivocal, in a way no Irish person could be. An Irish person would attempt an explanation which might even be true.

The southern European lady had been working since 7 that morning, she said. She had been on her own all day. It was now late afternoon. She gestured towards a group of loud elderly locals outside who were, or had been, drinking her coffee. They were accompanied by an aged, grossly overweight Jack Russell terrier which barked constantly.

“There’s always one,” the southern European woman said, gesturing to the group outside. I had no idea who or what any of this had to do with her refusing to allow me use the bathroom. Nor did she try to explain. I’d have left then but she plonked the coffee in front of me.

I retreated to the noisy group outside and their barking terrier. One woman gestured a polite greeting in my direction. I responded as politely but realised I had lost the skill and will for small talk and recognised this as what a prolonged lockdown had bequeathed me. The barking dog did not help.


I finished the coffee and made a discreet exit, wondering whether this unexpected reserve might be my new, post-pandemic normal.

Further along the street a group were drinking outside a pub. I found a spot beside these strangers and ordered my first pint in 15 months, its beaded bubbles incandescent in the summer sun, and realised with unexpected emotion what I had been missing.

The conversation began to flow with these fellow imbibers, accompanied by an ease and familiarity as though we were old acquaintance never to be forgot. A member of staff who finished his shift earlier was by then barely able to stand.

He collapsed, bringing sundry tables and beers with him. He lay on his back, oblivious, as two girls wondered whether he should be put on his side. Bar colleagues emerged from inside, picked him up, and restored our spilled beer.

Ah, yes, the new normal it seemed would be much the same as the old one.

And I was glad.

Normal, from Latin normalis, for "typical, common, in conformity with2. ]