Several seconds into the opening track, World in Harmony (imagine Andrew WK wrestling Daft Punk – and winning), it's clear that no one else sounds quite like Adebisi Shank. The Wexford trio's ever-broadening palette of influences (Vangelis, Battles, Lone, Queen) are crammed into an attention-deficit-friendly 36 minutes. Among the mayhem are guitar lines that verge on trad (Chaos Emeralds) and a guest slot from guitarist/vocalist Lar Kaye's accordion-playing father (Turn-around). Twisting with right angles and left hooks, the robot funk of Mazel Tov and diced-up rave on Sensation crystallise the album's euphoric heart and disregard for genre labels. Is it classic rock from Mars? Pop music for Smurfs? Decide for yourself. Download: Mazel Tov, Sensation
Adebisi Shank: This Is the Third Album of a Band Called Adebisi Shank