The Flute King

Emmanuel Pahud (flute) EMI 084 2302 (Standard Ed) 084 2202 (Deluxe Ed) (both 2 CDs) ****

Emmanuel Pahud (flute) EMI 084 2302 (Standard Ed) 084 2202 (Deluxe Ed) (both 2 CDs)****

This, you might say, is the whole package. It's a two-disc exploration of music written for and by Frederick the Great, and comes in two editions, with the deluxe one, book-style, including extra essays and illustrations. Two Bachs are represented, Johann Sebastian by the Trio Sonata from the Musical Offering(on a theme by Frederick and dedicated to him), and Carl Philipp Emanuel (who served at Frederick's court) by his Solo Sonata in A minor. The other composers are Benda, Quantz, Agricola and Frederick's wife, Anna Amalia. One disc is devoted to concertos (with Kammerakademie Potsdam), the other to chamber music (with Jonathan Manson, cello, and Trevor Pinnock, harpsichord). And Frederick, of course, is represented on both. Pahud is a persuasively smooth and suave guide to everything. See

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor