Tom Jones

Spirit in the Room Island Records ***

Spirit in the RoomIsland Records ***

The last time Tom Jones undertook an album of covers (1999's Reload), he revitalised his career and won a legion of new fans. It's doubtful that his 40th release will have the same effect, but this collection seems more in tune with the 71-year- old's own taste. There may be no future No 1 hits among this selection, but interpretations of songs by everyone from Leonard Cohen (Tower of Song) to The Low Anthem (Charlie Darwin) are sympathetically handled, thanks to producer Ethan Johns. While a rendition of Tom Waits's Bad as Me doesn't quite sit right, Jones gets Joe Henry's little-known All Blues Hail Mary spot on, its eerie piano riff peeling off layer by creepy layer. A reliable addition to the Welshman's commanding canon.

Download tracks: All Blues Hail Mary, Soul of a Man

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times