Bruckner: Symphony No 3

Bruckner Symphony No 3
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Artist: Anton Bruckner, Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Jaap van Zweden
Genre: Classical
Label: Challenge Classics

Minor musical wars have been fought over the merits of the various versions of Bruckner symphonies. The Third, named after, dedicated to, and quoting from Wagner, is most often heard in its final revision, dating from 1889. But here Jaap van Zweden plays the stylistically purer version of 1877, as edited by Leopold Nowak. Van Zweden has an enviably straightforward way with Bruckner, favouring well-blended textures at points where other conductors have sought virtuoso blaze, always managing to move with an easy, natural gait, and achieving climactic impact without ever resorting to excessive force. And the alignment of those monumental building blocks for which Bruckner is renowned always seems spot on.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor