Chairlift - Moth: wry, predictable indie fodder

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Artist: Chairlift
Genre: Rock
Label: Columbia

Chairlift operate in an interesting space. Beyoncé collaborators Caroline Polachek and Patrick Wimberly make inventive, idiosyncratic music where indie, r’n’b and electronic melodies and wonkiness compete for attention.

They also have the advantages of a big label and heightened profile after an Apple ad campaign, the kind that many underground bands operating in the same ecosystem will never attain. Moth shows clear signs of a struggle between these opposites as Chairlift vie to show they can be both commercial and cutting-edge.

Certainly, both Ch-Ching and Romeo are chockful of promise, each happy to expand horizons and follow off-kilter clues.

But there are far too many times when the duo back away from adventurous footing in favour of arch, wry, predictable indie fodder.


A pity; when they’re good, they’re really good.

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