Dinosaur Pile-Up: Nature Nurture

Nature Nurture
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Artist: Dinosaur Pile-Up
Genre: Rock
Label: So Recordings

Is Matt Bigland a talented multi-instrumentalist or simply a control freak? Dinosaur Pile-Up's frontman/guitarist/songwriter played everything on 2010's Growing Pains, and repeats the impressive feat on the Leeds trio's second album. Nature Nurture isn't much of a departure from the strident rock riffage of their debut as the likes of Arizona Waiting, Peninsula and Heather go full-throttle with jagged guitars and self-assured choruses. Comparisons to Foo Fighters, Nirvana and Feeder are no-brainers (and Bigland has occasional odd traces of a young Ozzy Osbourne in his vocals), though highlight Summer Gurl echoes garage acts such as The Von Bondies and the title track makes way for a more laidback groove without losing momentum. Not the most original rock album you'll hear this year, but certainly one of the more accomplished.
Download: Summer Gurl, Nature Nurture

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times