Feather Beds: The Skeletal System | Album Review

The Skeletal System
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Artist: Feather Beds
Genre: Alternative
Label: Happenin Records

Despite having been in such bands as Autumn Owls, Subplots and The Star Department, Dublin-born Michael Orange isn’t that well known in his native city, but the now Montreal-based musician has made sure to spread the word via a series of shifting ambient tunes that have been swirling around for some time.

After a series of miscued release dates, The Skeletal System is now officially on release, and if you're after the kind of pop-oriented music (an askew version) that is underpinned with touches of The Cure (Airbrushed), Elliot Smith (the delicate, almost-falsetto vocals), and a beguiling mix of harmony-drenched Beach Boys (Walter) and fragile-like Animal Collective (On Your Deathbed), then you'll get these here in abundance.

Factor in romantic narrative themes and you have textured melancholia a-go-go.

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture