No Mask Effect - Quick Smart: an impressive mixture of beats, rhythms and found sounds

Quick Smart
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Artist: No Mask Effect
Genre: Electronic
Label: Psychonavigation Records

It’s a brave record label owner that will stick their heads above the parapet by issuing their own music on their label.

Before you can say the words “vanity project”, it’s crucial to note that Psychonavigation Records’ head honcho, Keith Downey, has waited more than 20 years to flog his personal wares.

Quick Smart is an often impressive mixture of beats, rhythms, found sounds, birdsong, sine wave squeals, overheard dialogue (including Spanish and Italian), classical atmospheres and misty mood shapers.

Across four tracks (the shortest, Grass, is more than nine minutes; the longest, Transfer of Deed, Pt 1 & 2, is more than 21 minutes), a reflective urban mood is evoked, with Downey most ably pitting himself against those musicians whose work he has previously released.

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Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture